Update on the late release of the Winter 2023 edition
For those of you who are members of Clan Moffat UK Association and receive our journal Moffatalia. This edition will be out very soon (June 2023) and has been held up for a variety of reasons including ill health of the Editor.
As Moffatalia will shortly be published with Renewal Forms, we also felt it helpful to make the forms available for download, here on the website.
Don't forget if you live in the UK (but open to all across the world), we gather in the summer in Moffat in Scotland.
Come and join us!

Do I qualify?
There are many variations of ‘Moffat’, including Moffatt, Muffet, Moffit, Maffet, Moffet, Movat, Morphitt and many others deriving from the original source. You are welcome whatever the spelling!
Did You Know?
You qualify to join our friendly Clan if you are the partner of one of the above (as a ‘consort’) or have an ancestor of that name.
What Do I Get As A Member of The Clan Moffat UK Association
Being a member supports the existence of the Clan in enabling us to work on behalf of our members to provide the following:
Membership Pack for New Members, which includes: lapel badge, Mini Moffat History Booklet, hard copies of recent Moffatalias, Welcome letter from the Clan Chief and Committee and various leaflets
Password access to our Website to access past copies of Newsletters and Moffatalia Journals
Genealogy/Family History support and advice
Two printed copies of Moffatalia Journals a year delivered to your home address, supplemented by Newsletters when appropriate
Administrative support with the FTDNA (Moffat Surname DNA Family Project)
Annual Events/Dinner & Clan Business organised in Moffat including an opportunity to meet with the Clan Chief
Five Yearly organisation of the ‘Homecoming Gathering’ with the US and UK Clans
Your continued support helps us run the Website and Facebook Page, production of Moffatalia, liaison with other contacts/organisations relevant to the Clan
Organisation of Regional Events once coronavirus restrictions allow
Sales Items such as, Coasters, Clan Crest Badges, Kilt Pins, Dram Glasses, Mugs, Key Fobs etc
Importantly a vote on the Clan Association business at Annual General Meetings/or any direct written communication with members
We are pleased to have your support why not encourage other family members to join.